Between the fingertsicks, frequent dose changes and interactions with food and drugs, its no wonder people want to throw Coumadin out with the garbage! Yahoo! Canada Answers - Does COUMADIN make you tired? Best Answer: Yes, weakness is a side effect including one-sided weakness. The above is supported in the following link. Does COUMADIN make you tired? - Yahoo! Answers I refused and said I was returning to aspirin therapy. Two days later my old self has returned. If you are getting tired from coumadin, get off it and get a normal life.
Tired of Coumadin? Ask Your Doctor About Pradaxa « What To Do.
Best Answer: Yes, weakness is a side effect including one-sided weakness. The above is supported in the following link.
Coumadin and tiredness - Topix
tired from coumadin Tired of the Rat Poison? Alternatives to Warfarin (Coumadin) are.