Best Answer: No. Reason: Valium suppresses REM sleep, a highly important part of the sleep cycle. You will possibly become more restless AND drowsier.
Valium Sleep Medication - Valium Reviews
Valium too sleep - Addiction: Substance Abuse - MedHelp Among all of the benzodiazepine drugs that are prescribed in order to help people to relax and get to sleep, valium is the most commonly recognized drug. Valium - Addiction: Substance Abuse - MedHelp My question is, what do his anesthesiologists need to know before he undergoes pituitary surgery with unconfirmed sleep apnea? I would like him to have a sleep s...
sleep apnea valium - MedHelp
I was just offered ten 10mg blue valium from someone who simpithises with my situation. But is it worth trying to use to sleep to trade for possibly another addiction? I know someone who just cannot sleep. They just lie there all night with no inclination to sleep. Right now valium seems to do the trick. However I am very worried.
Is it safe to mix valium and benadryl to help sleep? - Yahoo! Answers